Fwd: [WLANnews] Mesh is in the air! - 7th-13th of May 2018, Berlin, Germany

Hi there, that's the official announcement email for the upcoming events Wireless Community Weekend and Battlemesh. Please spread the word in your community! Best, Andi Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
*Von:* Monic Meisel <monic@monic.de <mailto:monic@monic.de>> *Datum:* 9. März 2018 um 22:14:55 MEZ *An:* Deutschlandweite Liste für WLAN Neuigkeiten <wlannews@freifunk.net <mailto:wlannews@freifunk.net>> *Betreff:* *[WLANnews] Mesh is in the air! - 7th-13th of May 2018, Berlin, Germany* *Antwort an:* Deutschlandweite Liste für WLAN Neuigkeiten <wlannews@freifunk.net <mailto:wlannews@freifunk.net>>
Dear fellow Freifunk enthusiasts,
The Wireless Battle of the Mesh v11 (#WBMv11) and the Wireless Community Weekend 2018 (#FFWCW18) will be meshed up and co-located in Berlin from May 07 to May 13, 2018. Since it is the 15th anniversary of the WCW, friends and fellows from across the globe celebrate together wireless mesh network technologies and ideas of community networking.
You can expect to meet with tech experts in mesh technologies, policy discussions, talks, hands on workshops, late night hacking sessions, measurement campaigns and an ongoing barbeque at the riverside. If you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community activist, or simply have an interest in wifi or dynamic routing protocols, you can't miss this event! So check out our continuously updated information about the event at https://www.wireless-meshup.org <https://www.wireless-meshup.org/>
Location ======= We are meeting at the c-base space station, 3 minutes from public transport S+U Jannowitzbrücke in the heart of Berlin.
There you will find the main hall with the bar for presentations, discussions and hacking, a seminar room for up to 15 for workshops, two spaces for a smaller groups in the basement and upper floor and not at least the fully equipped riverside with powersockets, light close to the grill station. For the weekend we booked another room for presentations at European Theater Institute right next door to the seminar room.
You will find yourself at Berlins most famous hackspace, where you can use repair and assembling shops as well as meeting with berlins net activists and hacker scene. freifunk.net <http://freifunk.net> is available, since the roof top node is part of the BerlinBackBone.
Taking part and Registration ===================== It helps the organizers, if you add yourself early to the wiki page under https://www.wireless-meshup.org/ and provide your meal prefernces and t-shirt size, in case you want one. Start preparing your presentation, lightening talk, workshop, idea, announcement or open space you want to run. The event is *free of charge*, but contributions are very welcome, so please have a look at the supporters page as well, thanks in advance.
Accommodation Offering =================== For those of you who are looking for a convenient accommodation option: we have made block reservation for 50 beds in a nice hostel 15 min walking distance or one station by public transport. The packages include 7 nights in a three or four-bed room incl. breakfast - for 33,00 EUR p.P/Night incl. Breakfast Valid for:
* 07.05.2018 - 13.05.2018
* 50 Beds are reserved until 23.03.2018
* 25 Beds are reserved until 05.04.2018
* Payment at checkin - using cash or creditcard
*IMPORTANT: Booking** with this special price** is only possible by mail ap@meininger-hotels.com <mailto:ap@meininger-hotels.com>* or* phone +493031879767*
* Stating that you want to stay at “EastSideGallery” mention the *Keyword: MESH*
* Booked Rooms will be held until 6pm on arrival day - please let them know when you arrive later.
Catering and Social Events ===================== There will be catering at dinner time and free coffee the whole time. Beverages can be bought at the bar, closeby kiosk or brought with you. Some jaunts and social events are in planning, but will be announced later.
Spread the Word ============= Please help us spreading the word by forwarding this to all lists and people that might be interested. Blogging about it is also very appreciated, and if you do so, please add a ping-back to the wiki page: https://www.wireless-meshup.org <https://www.wireless-meshup.org/>
We will also start the endorsements process within some weeks. If your community/organization would like to help and support us, please check supporters page.
Organizers Team Contact ==================== The local core team consists of Monic, Andi, Cven and others from freifunk and c-base community. The mentors team consists of Claudio, Filipe and Paul.
You can reach us under organizers@wireless-meshup.org <mailto:organizers@wireless-meshup.org>
Hope to see you soon! Best wishes from the org-team
participants (1)
Andreas Bräu