Fwd: WLANware Digest, Vol 169, Issue 1

Hallo Freifunkas, Falls es an euch vorbeigelaufen ist: Am 11.10. gibts, wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab, ein Gluom-Meetup, s.u. Vielleicht ist ja da einer dabei, den man zu unseren Problemen beim Potsdamer Gluon-Projekt fragen kann. LG Mattias ---------- Forwarded message --------- Von: <wlanware-request@freifunk.net> Date: Fr., 7. Okt. 2022 um 12:00 Uhr Subject: WLANware Digest, Vol 169, Issue 1 To: <wlanware@freifunk.net> Send WLANware mailing list submissions to wlanware@freifunk.net To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://lists.freifunk.net/mailman/listinfo/wlanware-freifunk.net or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to wlanware-request@freifunk.net You can reach the person managing the list at wlanware-owner@freifunk.net When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of WLANware digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Gluon Meetup 2022 - 05 (11.10.2022 - 20:00 CEST) (Tom Herbers) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2022 22:27:43 +0200 From: Tom Herbers <freifunk@tomherbers.de> To: gluon@luebeck.freifunk.net Cc: firmware-devel@freifunk.net, wlanware@freifunk.net Subject: [WLANware] Gluon Meetup 2022 - 05 (11.10.2022 - 20:00 CEST) Message-ID: <6f62d44c721c97dc75d8816987f28ec61b8dbd20.camel@tomherbers.de> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Hello all, according to our current rhythm (every second month on the second Tuesday) the next Meetup will take place next on 11.10.2022 at 20:00 CEST. The meetup is public and everyone is invited to join. Mumble will be used as the communication tool. The address of the server is mumble.freifunk.net. The notes from the last Meetup were published under [1]. In case of sudden changes, it's also good to keep an eye on the #gluon IRC channel on hackint.org. The channel is also available via matrix at #gluon:hackint.org. See you then Tom [1] https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon/wiki/Meeting-2022-04
participants (1)
Mattias Brunschen