[freifunk-potsdam] Question about free wifi

Hi Friends, I am a new Potsdamer coming here for study just 3 months ago. I have a laptop with Wireless capable. Now, I live in a room at Charlotten Strasse. At the very early days I came here My laptop could catch the signal from freifunk-potsdam so I could be very happy to surf Internet with that. But More than recent 1 month, I could not use the Internet with freifunk-potsdam anymore although my laptop could address the IP and DNS. Could you please give me some guides about that? Looking forward to hearing from you All bests, Viet Dung

I am a new Potsdamer coming here for study just 3 months ago. I have a laptop with Wireless capable. Now, I live in a room at Charlotten Strasse. At the very early days I came here My laptop could catch the signal from freifunk-potsdam so I could be very happy to surf Internet with that. But More than recent 1 month, I could not use the Internet with freifunk-potsdam anymore although my laptop could address the IP and DNS. Well, wireless networking is sometimes mysterious... There are a lot of
Hi, Dung-Viet Nguyen wrote: possible pitfalls :( Could you please provide us with some more information about your network settings and your location? Just go to Start -> Execute, enter "cmd" in the dialog and press Ok. A Command Box will open. Enter the command "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) and press enter. Send us the complete output of the command. Is the wireless network working at other locations (e.g. Office, University)? Maybe there are some temporary obstacles between your apartment and our antenna. What is your address in Charlottenstrasse? Can you tell us the exact position of your Notebook (using google maps)? Go to http://karte.freifunk-potsdam.de/ and zoom in as close as possible to your house in the Charlottenstrasse. Click at your position. A Popup will give you the gps-Coordinates. best regards, // t.mellenthin -- passion: http://www.mellenthin.de mission: http://www.freifunk-potsdam.de blog: http://blog.mellenthin.de fotoblog: http://www.dysternis.de flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/melle
participants (2)
Dung-Viet Nguyen
Thomas Mellenthin